Solutions to Exercises

Solution 3.1. There’s no standard answer to this one. Here’s ours:

{1..2} | %[3]

Solution 3.2.

[%[2], {517}, []]

Solution 4.1.


Solution 4.2.

["melo", "haha", "deon"]

Solution 4.3.

Nope. You can only append two values of the same type. "1" ++ [2] fails to type-check and does not compile:

melorun> "1" ++ [2]
Melodeon compilation failed
~/.melorun.melo.tmp:3: error: cannot append values of types %[1] and [{2}]
	"1" ++ [2]

Solution 4.4.

{35} | %[8]

Solution 4.5.

Two alternatives:

[x * x for x in [1, 10, 100]]

for x in [1, 10, 100] collect x * x

Solution 4.6. WIP

Solution 4.7.

let x = [1, 2] in
loop 2 do
    set! x = x ++ x
    return x

Solution 6.1.

def six1<T>(x: T) = 
    if x is Nat then x + 1
    else (if x is [Any;] then x ++ [1]
        else if x is %[] then x ++ "1"
            else fail!)

Solution 6.2.

# swaps the ith and jth indices of vec

def swap<$n, T>(vec: [T; $n], i: Nat, j: Nat) =
    let v_i = vec[i] in
    let v_j = vec[j] in
    vec[i => v_j][j => v_i]

Solution 6.3. The function doesn’t compile, because the length of vec is unknown from its type definition. We can use a constant generic parameter to solve this problem:

def f<$n>(vec: [Nat;$n]) =
    for i in vec fold accum = 0 :: Nat with accum + i

Solution 6.4.

def ident<$n>(s: %[2 * $n + 1]) = 

Solution 6.5.

# swap is defined in Solution 6.2

def bubble_sort<$n>(vec: [Nat; $n]) =
    loop $n do
        set! vec = 
            (let i = $n :: Nat in
            let j = $n-1 :: Nat in
            (loop $n do 
                set! vec =
                (if j > 0 
                then (if vec[$n - i] > vec[$n - j]
                    then swap(vec, $n - i, $n - j)
                    else vec)
                else vec);
                set! i = i - 1;
                set! j = j - 1;
                return vec))
        return vec

Note that the trick with decreasing i and j is for safely indexing into the vector with an expression involving $n, so that the compiler can prove the indices are safe.

Solution 6.6.

def f(x: Any) =
    if x is %[5] then "bingo!" else "keep trying!"

Solution 6.7. Yes, the expression compiles. In each iteration of the loop, x is mutated to the constant 7, which doesn’t depend on x. So the post-mutation type also doesn’t depend on the type of x: it’s the constant {7}. The compiler can check that {7} is a subtype of {1..10}, so all is good.

Solution 6.8.


Solution 6.9.


Solution 6.10. No, because the input to h needs to satisfy more than a subtype relation. It must satisfy the constraints imposed by the constant generic parameter $n. We can see this in the REPL:

melorun> h(Point{x: 1, y: 2})
Melodeon compilation failed
~/.melorun.melo.tmp:72: error: cannot fill type variables in argument type [T; ($n + 1)], given concrete Point
	h(Point{x: 1, y: 2})